My Santa Teresa Yoga Journey

I awake in my bamboo-accented room at Villa Nof Yam just as the first light peeks through the jungle. After a quick lemon and ginger tea on my patio, I roll out my purple printed mat to flow through my daily yoga sequence. As I move through Surya Namaskar greeting the Costa Rican sunrise, howler monkeys contribute to my playlist. My heart is full with gratitude for this serene start to the day.My name’s Sasha and I’m a travel writer and yoga instructor currently based in beautiful Santa Teresa. Through my blog, I share wellness and self-discovery insights learned from my nomadic lifestyle. For the past few months, I’ve called Santa Teresa home and taught yoga from stunning Villa Nof Yam. And I have to say, nowhere has captured my wanderlust heart quite like this magical town.

Yoga for Body and Soul

What draws yogis like myself to Santa Teresa? Surely the striking beaches, lush rainforests and world-class surf help. But there’s an essence woven into the fabric of life here that seeps into your spirit.Pura vida means living simply and harmoniously with appreciation for life’s basic blessings. It’s at the core of Santa Teresa’s magnetic energy. This mindset flows through daily activities like surf sessions, farmers markets, and bonfires under the stars. And yoga fits seamlessly into the holistic lifestyle.The variety of high caliber yoga studios means practitioners can find their perfect class, from powerful Ashtanga to restorative Yin. Many classes and instructors dive into yoga’s spiritual roots, exploring topics like meditation, self-inquiry and even mysticism. This mind-body-soul approach was what initially pulled me to Santa Teresa on my Central American backpacking adventure five years ago. And it’s what brought me back to put down roots as a teacher.

Sharing Yoga’s Healing Gifts

Soon after arriving in Santa Teresa and trying classes at spots like Vista Yoga Shala and Horizon Yoga, I found a strong calling to become an instructor. I enrolled in a month-long training intensive on the beach near Hermosa. My days were filled with asana, anatomy, yoga history and discussions on how to hold space for spiritual awakening. I discovered not just untapped strength in my body, but also my voice.After getting certified, I started teaching free community classes focused on yoga as healing. My students opened up about struggling with grief, anxiety, lack of purpose and more. Together we worked through emotional blockages physically on the mat and energetically through meditation and sharing circles. These sessions formed incredible connections where people supported one another’s growth.I began sharing my teaching experiences through my blog. And the overwhelmingly positive feedback showed me I’d found my dharma – to spread the transformative power of yoga as a tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Soon I had built a global audience eager to follow my Santa Teresa adventures.When the opportunity arose last year to teach from Villa Nof Yam, a hilltop oasis with jaw-dropping vistas, I leapt. I structure private sessions and intimate retreats focused on using yoga, writing and nature connection for self-inquiry. And being able to facilitate deep healing in such a breathtaking sanctuary is an honor.

Weaving Into the Community Fabric

They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. And through my classes, I’ve met so many remarkable teachers from this community. Locals have welcomed me, helping me understand Santa Teresa’s essence and introducing me to incredible people.I’ve collaborated with talented musicians like Johnny at Ritmo Tica studio for kirtan chanting events. I’ve organized beach cleanups with companies like Mystic Santa run by conscious surfers trying to reduce plastic pollution. And learning from lifelong yogis about how Santa Teresa has grown over decades has shown me how aligned yoga is with the pura vida culture thriving here.These connections inspire me to give back however I can. I donate a percentage of my retreat proceeds to local charities and schools to support arts, environmental protection and health access initiatives. I also offer free monthly classes for these causes.While I don’t know exactly what’s on the horizon, I trust this is where I’m meant to be. Continuing to share Santa Teresa’s magic through teaching yoga from my jungle hideaway is a dream come true. This community has become my anchor, keeping me grounded while also helping me grow. And for that I’m eternally grateful. Maybe I’ll never leave this coastal paradise. Only time and the tides will tell.

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