Finding Bliss at Villa Nof Yam: A Santa Teresa Journey

When I arrived at Villa Nof Yam after a bumpy drive along dusty roads, I was greeted by Tami, a friendly yoga instructor and self-proclaimed “foodie” who manages the stunning property. She welcomed me with a refreshing hibiscus tea as we sat overlooking the jungle canopy and azure sea beyond. I had a feeling this would be the start of a special week.Tami showed me around the villa, with its mix of modern design and natural wood elements fitting seamlessly into the surroundings. My room had an outdoor garden shower and patio where I could practice yoga or sip morning coffee while watching birds flit through tropical flowers. “This is paradise,” Tami smiled. She was right.

Finding Mindfulness Through Yoga

Each morning of my stay, Tami led me through yoga flows on Villa Nof Yam’s open-air deck, designed to help me find focus. Holding poses like warrior II and tree while gazing at the sea grounded me in the present moment. The scents of frangipani and distant sound of howler monkeys enhanced the meditative quality.Tami artfully wove in yoga philosophy as we moved, speaking about concepts like aparigraha (non-attachment) and how we can apply them to reduce daily stress. Her insightful yet playful teaching style made each class fun and restorative. I learned so much from Tami about the transformative power of yoga.

Indulging Body and Soul

Part of the magic of Villa Nof Yam is Tami’s incredible vegan meals, bursting with fresh flavors. She introduced me to new ingredients like jackfruit and taught me how to make dishes like coconut curry and hibiscus margaritas, laughing together in the villa’s sleek kitchen. Each dish nourished my body and soul. Beyond the villa, I explored Santa Teresa’s restaurants, juice bars, and farmers markets, embracing the healthy culinary culture. But nothing compared to dining under the stars back at the villa on Tami’s vibrant creations, uniquely infused with the essence of pura vida.

Immersed in the Pura Vida Lifestyle

Tami helped me fully experience the Santa Teresa lifestyle, leading me to her favorite hidden beaches, lookout points, and community events. We woke early to walk tropical trails and have picnic breakfasts on secluded beaches. Evenings might bring bonfires on the beach or salsa dancing, embracing the carefree and connected spirit pura vida is known for. I loved learning about the community from Tami – the passionate surfers, artists and expats from around the world who now call this slice of Costa Rican paradise home. It was a place where people took time to truly see one another. Tami introduced me to her friends, each with their own stories of how Santa Teresa’s magnetic energy touched their souls. As my stay at Villa Nof Yam came to an end, I felt eternally grateful for Tami. Her wisdom enriched my mind, her food nourished my body, and her infectious joy awakened my spirit. This gifted yogini and chef created an experience that fed all aspects of myself. I didn’t just visit Santa Teresa, I allowed its essence to be woven into the tapestry of my journey. And that’s what pura vida is all about. 

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